Lady Nade’s Music & Merch

Safe Place (Album)

Bandcamp Bandcamp
iTunes iTunes
Download £7.99 (AAC)

This album features a beautiful mix of genres, from the upbeat soul folk-pop that will have you dancing in seconds, to melodies that’ll soften the hardest of hearts. Ever present through the album is Lady Nade's dash of roots and jazz, creating a layered cake of musical flavours and harmonies.

Hard to Forget (Album)

Bandcamp Bandcamp
iTunes iTunes
Download £7.90 (AAC)

The album portrays personal emotions and relationships, that sometimes breakdown, fail, and perhaps fortunately, endure. You’ll find yourself transported to places you have never been to, and you will feel nostalgic for times you have never had. The heart of Nade’s debut album ‘Hard to Forget’ was lovingly crafted mostly in the kitchen. A dedicated food aficionado, Nade poured her creativity into every song, and lavished each with a recipe to match. The finished result is a deeply evocative and emotive album, filled with wonderful words that nourish both body and soul.

Limited Edition ‘Willing“ T-shirt. Collaboration with Brain Johnson & Arthur René Walwin.


“Ain’t One Thing” limited-edition Daiquiri tea-towel design collaboration with Indigo Bell, Liz Haugnton and Paul Isaac.

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